We are planning an exciting event for our organization, The Michigan WWII Legacy Memorial on Saturday, January 21, 2023 at the American Polish Cultural Center. Dr. Christophe Skutela will be joining us live from Krakow, Poland, where he will be speaking on the role of Poland in WWII through the fall of Communism.
Poland in WWII and Today
Saturday, January 21, 2023
American Polish Cultural Center
2975 E Maple Rd, Troy, MI 48083
Time: 3:30 PM Doors open, 4:00 PM Speaker; dinner to follow
Cost: $60/person
Historian and tour guide Christopher Skutela, PhD, will join us live from Krakow, Poland as he tells of the integral role Poland played in WWII through the fall of Communism. His engaging nature and knowledge of his country, its culture and history, will provide for a great evening!
Dinner features Polish dishes alongside American favorites. Coffee and tea is included; cash bar will be available.
Reservations must be received no later than Friday, January 13, 2023